Tailwheel Endorsement

Tailwheel Endorsement is proficiency based, meaning there is no hour minimum hour requirement to get your endorsement. You only need to demonstrate to an instructor that you are proficient to fly a tailwheel. 
Required training for the tailwheel endorsement per 14 CFR 61.31 consist of: 

  • Normal and crosswind takeoffs and landings 
  • Wheel landings 
  • Go-around procedures 

Your tailwheel training will cover additional items to enhance you skills:

  • Slow flight, power-on and power-off stalls, steep turns
  • Short field and soft field takeoffs and landings 
  • Power-off approaches and landings 
  • Takeoffs and landings in crosswind greater than 10 knots 
  • Foreward slips 
  • Grass strip operations

Approximate Costs

Airplane Fees (7 hours)$833
Instructor Fees (7 hours)$420

Costs shown here are approximate and are listed for demonstrative purposes.


If you do not have your own aircraft, we recommend joining the Pilots Club, which has a number of different aircraft available for use at all our Flight Training Centers locations.

Payment Options

Pay as you go by either deposting money on account before or after each flight.


Club Member Rate$60/hour
Non-Member Rate$75/hour

For more information contact: info@flighttrainingcenters.com.